Since I do not plan to have a survey as part of my program evaluation, I chose to construct a survey based on a topic that I find very interesting: sleep.
The original survey was constructed and sent out to 4 participants. Upon receiving the results of the survey from these participants, changes were made to the survey.
These links are to the original survey and the revised survey.
I chose to make page breaks in my survey, and to make some questions required, because I did not want participants to be swayed in their answers by any of the proceeding questions.
Below I have listed questions that I changed and why I made those changes:
Introductory Statement: I included the statement that this survey was ‘for adults’ to avoid confusion when the participants reached the second question and there were only age brackets for people who are 18 years and older.
Question 3: I included in this question ‘during the day’ so that participants would be clearer about what specifically I was looking for.
Question 4: In this question I included ‘please note this does not include what you would consider a nap’. The reasoning for this was that I am interested in sleeping occasions that are not naps. I chose to keep the question as ‘sleeping occasions’ instead of ‘at night’ because many people do shift work and do not necessarily sleep at night.
Question 5: Same as question 4.
Question 6 (now question 6-8): I chose to change ‘daily functioning’ to ‘mood, mind, body’ because I am interested in how a good night’s sleep affects all of these areas. With the original question, participants only mentioned one or two of these factors, and by explicitly asking for them, results will be more comprehensive.
Question 7 (now question 9): Same as question 4.
Question 8 (now question 10-12): I chose to change the question to three questions because the original question was loaded and was actually three questions in disguise as one. The results from the original survey indicated that I should make this question three separate questions so that participants are more inclined to answer all parts of the question. By doing this, the data will be more comprehensive and will be in line with the information I am seeking.
New Question (now question 14): I added this question based on the results from the last question in the original survey. This was not an aspect of sleep that I had originally considered but thought it would provide valuable information as a separate question.