Crisis Management Service (CMS) deals with clientele who are ‘hard to serve, and difficult to engage’ (Saskatoon Crisis Intervention Service, 2012). The activities that the CMS staff engage in, are to help coordinate services for their clients, as well as manage the cases of their clients. Many of the clientele of CSM have mental illnesses, legal issues, addictions, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, and acquired brain injury among others. CMS works from a strength based approach.
The above logic model demonstrates the inner workings of CMS. CMS would not be able to operate without the inputs that it receives. CMS receives funding from many agencies. CMS is part of the Saskatoon Crisis Management Service along with Mobile Crisis. CMS shares some of its funding inputs with Mobile Crisis. The funding that is shared is from the United Way, Social Services, and the City of Saskatoon. Other funding agencies contribute to CMS, these include, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Community Correction, and private donations. Other inputs that are necessary for CMS to operate are the 6 staff that CMS has, the vehicles that they use to take their clients to appointments and services, and relationships with other agencies.
These inputs feed into activities that CMS engage in. CMS is an organization that provides their clients with crisis intervention, assertive outreach to organizations, behaviour shaping and management, to help with basic needs, such as food, clothes, and shelter, to provide service coordination, to screen, assess, and consult for/with their clients, to built a network of support for their clients, to advocate, inform, educate, and train their clients, to assist other frontline workers, and to make necessary referrals to other agencies. These various activities feed to different participants, of which the CMS services reach. Therefore, participation in these activities include the clients and their families, other agencies, society, and family physicians.
These levels of participation then feed into short-term goals of CMS. The short term goals of CMS include providing necessities for their clients such as food, clothes, and shelter, to connect them with medical professionals, to connect them with legal aid, and to connect them with addiction services. Medium goals are goals which CMS hopes to accomplish through the short term goals. The medium term goals include teaching their clients through modeling how to manage their money, to help them learn life skills, to help them learn about addictions, and to help their clients be better able to manage their own lives. Finally, the final goal of CMS is to have their clients be able to live at their own optimal level of independence in the community. It is important however to acknowledge the various assumptions and external factors that can influence these services (see the logic model).
Another wonderful job on this assignment. Great attention to detail. Very well done.